Faculty and Staff

David Snyder

Professor • Department of Chemistry

Professional Interests

My research lies at the intersection of computational and experimental biochemistry. In particular, I am interested in developing -- and exploring the mathematics underlying -- processing techniques (e.g. covariance NMR) that facilitate the use of NMR to explore the chemistry of complex mixtures. I am also interested in the evolution of protein flexibility and of "moonlighting" proteins as well as in the use of computational and spectroscopic techniques to identify protein ligands, in particular allosteric inhibitors of protein/small molecule and protein/protein interactions.

My Google Scholar page is https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=_Y2QjMgAAAAJ&hl=en&oi=sra and my ORCID page is https://orcid.org/0000-0001-6608-2975

I do most of my programming nowadays in MATLAB. My MATLAB central file exchange page is https://www.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/profile/authors/1420896 .


PhD Biochemistry, Rutgers New Brunswick, NJ

BS Biology; Mathematics, UC Irvine Irvine, CA


Computational Biochemistry, Nuclear Magnetic Resonance

Representative Publications

Patterns in Protein Flexibility: A Comparison of NMR “Ensembles”, MD Trajectories, and Crystallographic B-Factors; Molecules; Volume 26, Issue Special Issue: "The Conformational Universe of Proteins and Peptides: Tales of Order and Disorder" 2021

Protein Structure Prediction Assisted with Sparse NMR Data in CASP13; Proteins: Structure, Function and Genetics; Volume 87, 2019

Prediction of protein flexibility using a conformationally restrained contact map; , Proteins: Structure, Function and Bioinformatics; Volume 86, Issue 10 2018

Analysis of ligand–protein exchange by Clustering of Ligand Diffusion Coefficient Pairs (CoLD-CoP); Journal of Magnetic Resonance; Volume 255, 2015

The expanded FindCore method for identification of a core atom set for assessment of protein structure prediction; , Proteins: Structure, Function, and Bioinformatics; Volume 82, Issue S2 2014

Representative Presentations

Docking studies on tyrosinase and SARS-CoV2 nsp16: Discovery of novel enzymatic activities and drug repurposing
ACS Spring 2021 National Meeting and Exposition American Chemical Society
, 2021

Current Perspectives in Covariance NMR
IVAN Research Round-table Workshop MR Resources
, 2020

Notable Courses Taught

Biochemistry I (CHEM 4270)
Biochemistry II (CHEM 4280)
Chemistry for Health Sciences (CHEM 1330)
Theoretical and Physical Methods (CHEM 6004): Co-taught with Prof. J. Foley.

4060 Hennings Science East

By appointment