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(High School P.M.) Biology of Human Systems 7/6 - 7/10/20

MODULE 1: Introduction to the Neuro-endocrine System.  Discover the deep connection between these two systems. The anatomy and physiology of the central nervous system and endocrine glands). How our behavior is affected by biology. The function of neurotransmitters and hormones that control our life. The genes that lead us to who we are in our own brains. What is puberty? What can go wrong? Mental illness, Alzheimer’s, Depression (including postpartum), Anxiety, Diabetes, Stress and more. How can we improve our mental health?

In this module, we will perform dissections of the sheep brain, check reflexes, see research being done in the mouse lab and work with models and microscopes in the lab.

MODULE 2: Introduction to the Cardiovascular System.  Learn the anatomy and physiology of the heart and blood vessels. The roadways of oxygen to all our tissues. The magic of the heart with its automaticity. What can go wrong? High blood pressure, stroke, heart attack, anemia etc… How can we take care of our heart and protect our blood vessels? What is really in my blood?

In this module, we will perform ECGs, take blood pressure and pulse, perform stress tests, dissect a pig heart and work with models and view blood slides with the microscope in the lab.

MODULE 3: Introduction to the Respiratory and Urinary Systems. How do these systems work together for homeostasis? How does carbon dioxide affect our system? Discover how we can breathe without thinking about it. Learn why acid-base balance is important to our health. What does smoking and vaping do to these systems? What can go wrong? Asthma, pneumonia, bronchitis, collapsed lung, emphysema and more. What can we do to keep breathing until we are old enough to have lived a long satisfying life?

 In this module, we will perform pulmonary function tests (spirometry), see how urine is analyzed for different contents and work with models and view microscope slides in the lab.

MODULE 4:Introduction to the Musculoskeletal System. Now you can see how you can voluntarily move, stand, dance, play sports and become a musician. Where does the energy to contract (muscles) and do work come from?  Why is calcium and other minerals so important in our blood? How do our bones help us with respiration and immunity. The science of movement (kinesiology). What can go wrong? Sprains, strains, tears, arthritis, dislocations, muscular dystrophy, osteoporosis, fractures etc…Let’s learn how to strengthen our body and prevent injuries.

In this module, we will use models and view real anatomy of the muscles and bones. We will have a “movement workshop” to easily remember the movements of bones due to the contractions of major muscles. Demonstrations on how to keep the right posture (especially while playing video games).

Instructor : Dr. Richard Finizio
Dates : 07/06/20 to 07/10/20
Days : Mon,Tues,Weds,Thu,Fri,Online
From : 1:00pm - 4:00pm
Fee : $ 235.00
Course Number : HS230

Class is unavailable at this time please call 973-720-2354 for more information or other course options

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