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Academic and Life Skills Readiness 7/22-7/26/19

The objective of the course is to help students define a personal list of strengths and weaknesses and link them to meaningful academic coursework that will lead to careers that leverage strong personal and professional skills and attributes. Identifying potentially satisfying work that allows students to compete with other workers and enjoy a full and independent life will be part of the course.  Student will learn to discuss their accomplishments in a way that others can hear. At the end of the course, students will make a 3 -4 minute presentation on something from the coursework and how it relates to their own academic and career readiness.

During the course, the students will learn and practice the following skills:

  1. Effective and efficient study skills
  2. Time management through prioritizing tasks
  3. Critical thinking skills
  4. Communication skills
  5. Presentation skill development
  6. Study skills


Location: 300 Pompton Road (Main Campus), Wayne NJ 07474

Instructor :
Dates : 07/22/19 to 07/26/19
Days : Mon,Tues,Weds,Thu,Fri
From : 9:00am - 12:00pm
Fee : $ 289.00
Course Number : HS519

Class is unavailable at this time please call 973-720-2354 for more information or other course options

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