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Tools for Academic Success 8/1-8/5/16

Transitioning to middle school or junior high? There will be so much to do and think about:  class schedules, coursework, homework, projects, tests, grades, and greater independence. How do you stay on top of it all? Don’t agonize.  School---and everyday life---can be so much easier when you are organized. Knowing what to do, when to do it, and where to find things quickly is key to being responsible, meeting academic expectations, and getting things done on time. This course teaches strategies for dealing with whatever you have to do before, during, and after school.  Learn ways to improve educational performance through managing time, developing good study habits, remembering assignments, meeting deadlines, creating routines, staying focused, and keeping calm. Organization can keep middle school students on the right track and prepare them for handling all the new changes and choices that await.


Instructor :
Dates : 08/01/16 to 08/05/16
Days : Mon,Tues,Weds,Thu,Fri
From : 1:00pm - 4:00pm
Fee : $ 239.00
Course Number : MS310

Class is unavailable at this time please call 973-720-2354 for more information or other course options

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