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Career and Technical Education (CTE) Alternate Route Semester Three (01/25/2024 to 05/15/2024)
Titles and Number of Credits:
CTE 0513 - Professional Responsibility 3 (13.5 hours, 0 credit)
CTE 0523 - The Learner and the Learning Environment 3 (18 hours, 0 credit)
CTE 0533 - The Cycle of Teaching for Planning and Assessment 3 (36 hours, 0 credit)
CTE 0543 - Community of Practice Seminar 3 (20 hours, 0 credit)
Course Descriptions:
In the Professional Responsibility 3 module, candidates build upon professional ethics and dispositions, creating professional and community partnerships, forging work-based learning opportunities which incorporate career ready practices. The candidates demonstrate their ability to impact students’ learning as it relates to rigorous college and career ready standards, including financial literacy. CTE teachers learn to function as program managers and advocates, taking initiative to incorporate feedback and data analysis in program design, implementation, and improvement. (*Note, program management roles may differ, depending on the district.)
The Learner and Learning Environment Module 3 is designed to help CTE teachers prepare students for the world of work. CTE teachers will be able to identify and leverage opportunities for authentic, project-based learning, aligned to industry standards. The module will also help CTE teachers guide their students to work in collaborative teams and develop respect for workplace diversity. Through this module, CTE teachers will learn how to anticipate learner misconceptions and use these as opportunities for growth.
The Cycle of Teaching for Planning and Assessment 3 builds on and deepens the Career and Technical Education (CTE) teacher’s knowledge and application of effective lesson planning, with a focus on differentiated learning. CTE teachers will learn how to engage students in the process of critical thinking and inquiry. CTE teachers will learn about field-specific structured learning experiences (SLE’s) and how to facilitate college and career exploration. CTE teachers will reflect upon their first year of teaching, incorporating feedback from advisory board members and others, and will modify teaching, pacing, and assessment practices accordingly. CTE teachers will develop skills to independently reflect on and use evidence/data to evaluate the outcomes of teaching and learning to adapt planning and practice.
The Community of Practice/Observation and Reflection Module 3 is a seminar where candidates use communication and collaboration skills to reflect on practice. Candidates continue to explore 21st century life and career goals, focusing on financial literacy and responsibility. Support for completion of EdTPA provided as needed by program.
Contact Information:
David Ferrier
Project Director, WPU CTE Teacher Pathway Initiative
Instructor :
Dates : 01/25/2024 to 05/15/2024
Days : Online
From : -
Fee : $1,100.00
Instructor :
Dates : 01/25/24
to 05/15/24
Days : Online
From : 01:00:00 - 01:00:00
Fee : $1100.00
Course Number : E504
Class is unavailable at this time please call 973-720-2354 for more information or other course options