From The Top Music Studio, LLC
Alumnus Lisa S Plasse 1990 Title Owner Type Education Address 47 Prospect St Midland Park, NJ 07432 Phone 201-445-8780 Fax Email flute76@aol.com Website fromthetopmusicstudio.com
Member Since 2016 Follow us : From The Top Music Studio offers instrumental and vocal lessons to students of all ages and all levels. Our highly qualified instructors prepare students for auditions and performances. Visit our shop Vintage Vibe within our studio, created by WP Alumni Robert LaFalce Jr! We sell vintage furniture, home goods, toys and records!!! Owner Lisa Plasse, has given numerous masterclasses at local schools to discuss audition techniques and several business events to discuss effective public speaking. Call for studio hours and more information.
WP Proud Donor
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William Paterson University
300 Pompton Road
Wayne, New Jersey 07470
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