GlobalSoft Digital
Alumnus Chris Michael Petro 1986 Title President and CEO Type Print Media Address 500 Corproate Drive Mahwah, NJ 07430 Phone 2016840900 Fax Email cmpetro@globalsoftdigital.com Website www.globalsoftdigital.com
Member Since 2014 Follow us : Global Soft Digital Solutions, Inc., the leader in turn-key digital printing and fulfillment solutions, has continually focused our programs on the exact needs of our key clients. With our vast expertise in digital technology, printing, web-to-print technologies, digital storefront creation, electronic marketing, fulfillment and distribution…our solutions are crafted to application specific business needs. Using the latest digital technology in the internet space, coupled with the Global Soft Digital back-end order workflow technology (matched and powered by HP),we introduce Fulfillment systems that will allow our client users access to ordering and fulfillment and availability in a real-time environment. Anytime. Anyplace.
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William Paterson University
300 Pompton Road
Wayne, New Jersey 07470
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